Blue Tea with Project Rainbow
Sunday, Feb 21
6:00 – 10:00 pm
Price: $5
A launch of Project Rainbow’s Blue, featuring the Canadian Women’s Ski Jumping Team 2009 in flight, includes live music and fine oolong “blue” tea. Blue is a commission from the City of Vancouver through its Olympic and Paralympic Public Art Program as part of Mapping and Marking.
Project Rainbow‘s fourth dance and media based project, Blue, is an experimental film and dance documentary, installed at four venues in East Vancouver-Centre A, The Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Vancouver, The Strathcona Community Centre and Solder and Sons-as well as the LED screens at Robson and Granville Streets, from early February until mid March 2010. The film installation features the Canadian Women’s Ski Jumping Team 2009 in flight. The jumpers were filmed ski-jumping while training in Zakopane, Poland, for the 2009 World Championship which took place in Liberec, Czech Republic. This footage will be shown on the LED screens in Downtown Vancouver. The jumpers were also filmed performing gestures based on their physical training and choreographed by Project Rainbow. Both aspects of the film will be shown as Chapters at the host sites in East Vancouver.
Jun Oenoki: Skype with Yokohama
Jun Oenoki
Yokohama – Vancouver
Time: Sat. Feb 20, 7 – 9 pm
Price: $5
A live streaming with Nine key art organization, alternative space and live party in Yokohama by Skype. Including, “Sixsquarebridge“,”Yokohama Creativecity Center“, “Noge Hana*Hana“, “BankART NYK/KOJIMA RADIO“, “KOTOLAB,LLC/YOKOHAMA HOSTEL VILLAGE“, “KOTOBUKI CREATIVE ACTION“, “Kanagawa University SOGABE-ken“, “KOGANECHO AREA MANAGEMENT CENTER“, and “YOKOHAMA TRIENNALE 2011” talking about long term urban revitalizing projects initiated by the city of Yokohama in collaboration with artists and architects and the local community. Special Screening of “HEAVENHELL” by Chris Chong Chan Fui + Morinaga Yasuhiro (shorten version) and “KOTOBUKI_PROMOTION” by Ksuke Fukushima + Kohske Kawase, follows the streaming.
Jun Oenoki (born in 1962 in Saga, Japan. Lives and works in Tokyo) is a prolific creator of installations and performances featuring electronic devices and equipment and is also actively involved in free radio and streaming, such as the free radio station “Shimokitazawa Radio Homerun” (1984-1994). In Yokohama 2005, Oenoki is collaborating with MIKAN (established in 1995.) to create a radio mobile broadcasting station. The radio station in the venue – which will be moved everyday – will broadcast live and feature a range of guests and artists. Anyone with an FM radio will be able to hear the program anywhere inside the venue, so that this radio station will not only be a medium connecting the various events taking place inside the venue but will also represent an alternative Yokohama Triennale venue, one with invisible boundaries, but still a place that large numbers of people can enter and leave, a place for encounters and interaction. Warehouse Keepers (formed in 2005), meanwhile, is a collaborative of students and local residents formed for this project, the role of which is to run the radio programs.
Naufus Ramirez-Figueroa
Beaners Culinary Secrets Revealed! An Elegant Guatemalan Bean Dinner
Wed Feb 17, 2- 10 pm
$5 after 6pm
“In line with the global aspirations of the 2010 Olympics, Ramirez-Figueroa will teach Guatemalan recipes using beans as a main ingredient.”
Cooking Classes: 2-8pm
Dinner 8:30pm
Vancouver Intercultural Orchestra
There will be two music events. – Sun. Feb 21, 2:00 – 4:00 pm, FREE and Mon Feb 22, 6:00 – 8:00pm, $5
Music of the Whole World
Indian-Persian – Canada
with Neelamjit Dhillon, Tabla; and Reza Honari, Kamanche
Sun.Feb 21, 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Music of the Whole World
China – Canada
with Gelina Jiang, Sanxian; Song Yun, Erhu; and Mark Armanini, Bass Guitar
Mon Feb 22
6:00 – 8:00pm
The Vancouver Inter-Cultural Orchestra is unique in the world, and uniquely Canadian. It is one of the first concert orchestras in existence that bring together musicians trained in a wide variety of cultural disciplines, to perform new inter-cultural works on a grand scale. In the VICO, violins and flutes rub shoulders with the shakuhachi, the erhu and the sitar.and fertile ground is created for cross-cultural teamwork between classical, jazz and world music artists.
Many smaller ensembles undertake similar collaborations. The VICO, however, boasts a core roster of 24 musicians and at least as many occasional members. Some are trained in the Western (European) classical tradition, while many others are internationally-recognized performers in the musical traditions of cultures from all over the world (Asian, African, East Indian and Middle Eastern, to name only a few).
Tea with Sally Lee & Oboro (Skype with Montreal)
Wed Feb 17
4 – 6 pm
Participants; Soren Brothers, Kathy Kennedy, Sally Lee, Marc Lemoine, Su Schnee, Mary Wong, and friends
Skype tea with artist Sally Lee in Montreal in collaboration with Oboro Gallery in Montreal
Tea with Sally Lee is a small and intimate Skype event that connect the spirit of tea ceremony, friendship, music, Vancouver and Montreal. A more flavored tea will be served throughout the evening. The various pieces of music play during the evening are scheduled according to this particular flavor that tea possess and my approach to this flavor.